Stepping up your strategic PR efforts

Campaign season isn’t just for politics. In fact, many school districts can benefit from strategic public relations campaigns. But how do you know if you need a PR campaign? Read on to find out.

What is a strategic communications campaign?

A communications campaign is a focused, strategic effort to influence an audience. Campaigns may focus on changing people’s minds, just as political campaigns seek to win our support. Other campaigns focus on getting people to take action, just as we are encouraged to get out to the polls on Election Day.

Regardless of whether it is a change in behavior or attitude, all strategic communications campaigns have a defined goal, target audiences, measurable objectives, and specific strategies and tactics that support the goal. Campaigns should also have a defined budget and timeline to keep them on track.

Not every situation calls for a strategic communications campaign, but in some scenarios, they can make a big difference in your district’s success. Here are a few examples:

Change management

If your district is facing a new, unique or growing problem, a communications campaign can help you successfully navigate through challenging times. During times of change, it’s imperative for school district leaders to keep information flowing to their community in a reliable, predictable way, so that the rumor mill doesn’t take over. A strategic communications campaign will help you chart a course for smooth sailing, and calm the waters when things get rough.

High-impact initiatives

Rolling out a new strategic plan? Embarking on an ambitious new curriculum? Introducing a new pilot program? A strategic communications campaign can bring clarity and focus to topics that would otherwise be overwhelming or confusing. Without a strategic campaign in place, big ideas can get drowned out by noise and clutter, or misunderstood by key audiences because of unclear communication.

Graduates tossing caps. How McFarland utilized communications to promote its college and career program to students and families. View Case Study

Big asks

If you’re going before your community to ask for their support, a communications campaign should be a key part of your strategy. Bonds, referendums and other initiatives that require community buy-in should be supported by a thoughtful, strategic communications campaign that is carefully calibrated to produce the right outcomes.

If your district would benefit from a more strategic approach to communications, contact Nichols Strategies today to find out how we can help.