Back to School Blues? Beat It … With a Plan!

From filling in at the last minute as a substitute teacher, to navigating ever changing Covid regulations, superintendents are approaching the 2022 school year balancing more roles than ever. The tool needed in every school district leader’s back pocket to avoid constant crisis communication management and beat any back to school blues?

Proactive communications strategies rather than reactive ones creates trust, by sharing positive highlights to stakeholders. 

“Trust is truth over time and the strategic communication plan has been an ongoing way to build trust in the community,”-Superintendent Georgeanne Warnock, Terrell Independent School District.

Build trust by using messages that have been tested among diverse parent groups, centered in community-based language and shared values to elevate a vision supported by a large variety, according to The 74, an education news source. 

When it comes to conflicted views on banned books to Critical Race Theory, tactful school communication efforts can alleviate parent push back, freeing up time for other pressing matters. Superintendents who embrace the voice of parents develop an ecosystem based on transparency and open lines of communication within their districts, resulting in the mitigation of conflict with internal and external stakeholders. 

“When superintendents from Florida to Tennessee have set up channels for parents to file formal objections to specific content; invite parents and community members to preview and participate in mock classroom lessons; and share insights into the educational themes and topics in many traditional book titles, few citizens feel the need to scrutinize specifics any further,” according to The 74.

Incorporation of students in communication strategies allows for an inclusive approach, where the voices of the most important demographic are heard. Engaging students as junior communicators in your schools will serve to highlight positive moments, an effective way to communicate success in schools.  

Beat back to school blues with an inclusive plan, representative of the issues at hand for all. 

Remain proactive ahead of a crisis and amplify your mission with Nichols Strategies to develop a Bespoke communication strategy!
