Tag: school public relations


Highlighting your District: American Education Week

As Thanksgiving approaches, so does American Education Week, observed Nov. 13-17th. Each day of the week has a different theme to honor the hard work of those who run public schools, shining a spotlight on the teachers, classroom professionals, cafeteria staff and other educators that make an impact in students’ lives. As a leader in […]

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Feedback and surveys: Keeping your Promise to the Community

As the end of the calendar year draws near, many districts may be reaching out to parents, guardians, students and staff with surveys to better evaluate their school climate and culture. This annual exercise can provide valuable insight. But if this is the only time during the year that you seek feedback from these audiences, […]

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When is it Time for a Website Redesign?

Your school’s website is the main platform to broadcast what your district has to offer, making it one of your most valuable marketing tools. Whether prospective students and families are looking for enrollment information, or community members are looking for the latest news, the website is the first stop! Ensuring that your website is up-to-date […]

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Blog, NS News

AASA Urban Superintendents Academy 2023: Highlighting Growth in Education 

  Knowledge and connections were at the heart of the 2023 AASA Urban Superintendents Academy, where leaders in education came together for in-depth workshops and networking. The Urban Superintendents Academy program covers important topics like leading for equity with urgency, understanding governance, and building a community of support.   Nichols Strategies provided expertise for educational […]

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Evaluating Your Communications Efforts: Formative Assessment 

This is the second in a two-part series of blog posts about evaluating your school district’s communications efforts. Today, let’s look at how formative assessment can set the stage for communications success.  Formative assessment is a vital tool in any teacher’s toolbox. In “Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom: A Guide for Instructional Leaders,” Connie […]

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Blog, Education

Evaluating Your Communication Efforts: Goal Setting

This is the first in a two-part series of blog posts about evaluating your school district’s communications efforts.  When one of your teachers’ steps into the classroom, their goals are usually very clear. State standards and grade-level targets create specific expectations for what students will be expected to achieve over the course of the school […]

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October Employee Highlights: Principal’s Month & Beyond!

October is soon approaching, a month that brings a bevy of opportunities to highlight your school district’s employees. October brings Principal’s month, National Custodian’s Day on Oct. 2nd, and World Teacher’s Day on Oct. 5th.This is not only an opportunity to show appreciation to your employees, but also a chance to showcase your district in […]

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Blog, Tips

When Your Story Gets Spoiled

We’ve all seen it happen — you’ve got the perfect feel-good story to share on your district’s social media channels, complete with images showing the smiling faces of your school community. But when you check to see how many likes it’s gotten, you quickly see that things have gone off the rails.  The comments aren’t […]

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Building your Brand as a Superintendent

As the leader of a school district, your district’s brand goes hand in hand with how you’re perceived by students and families throughout your community. When it comes to setting standards for the brand, strategy and visibility are factors to include when building a brand that is a driving force within the community. Just like […]

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Blog, Education

Superintendents Didn’t Go to School for This: On-the-Job Training for Communication Challenges⁉

Superintendents Didn’t Go to School for This: On-the-Job Training for Communication Challenges⁉ The path to the superintendent’s seat draws on many skills, including a personal communication style. However, having the gift of gab or the ability to connect with others may no longer be sufficient when it comes to seeking engagement with one’s community. Intentional […]

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