Category: Tips


Accessible School Communications: Four Tips to Try Today

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day, try these four tips to help you achieve accessible school communications.

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Blog, Tips

Sharpen Your Image: Managing a School Brand Refresh

Your school brand is the face you show to the world. Know when to refresh your brand, or when it's time for a complete overhaul.

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Blog, Tips

Have you heard? Managing the flow of information

When something important happens, we care a great deal about how we find out. School leaders have a responsibility to bear this in mind when breaking news to your school community. But how do you decide whom to tell, and when and how to tell them?

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Blog, Tips

You, Me, I, or We? Finding Your Voice

Education leaders are responsible for a variety of messages. Some messages are straightforward and businesslike, while others require more nuance. But a key part of how we set the tone comes from how we address our audience.

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Blog, Education, Tips

Navigating Budget Communications for School District Leaders

School districts across the nation are bracing for education cuts. How can school leaders best keep communities informed while navigating this challenging fiscal environment? 

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When Your Story Gets Spoiled

We’ve all seen it happen — you’ve got the perfect feel-good story to share on your district’s social media channels, complete with images showing the smiling faces of your school community. But when you check to see how many likes it’s gotten, you quickly see that things have gone off the rails.  The comments aren’t […]

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Blog, Tips

Elevating Employee Recruitment Strategy in Your District

With staffing shortages facing school districts across the country, employee recruitment is a more vital tool than ever before. Fifty-five percent of educators plan to leave the field early according to the source “we are teachers”, making employee recruitment a top priority for school leaders. Is your district currently using video in your employee recruitment […]

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Blog, Education, NS News, Tips

Unraveling the Logo Design Paradox: A Guide to Avoiding Legal Pitfalls

  In the digital era, a school’s logo is more than just a symbol – it’s an identifier, inspires unity, communicates core values, and an emblem of professionalism. As district leaders, it’s your duty to ensure that your logo accurately reflects your institution’s values and is protected.   But creating a logo can be akin […]

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Blog, Education, Tips

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Public Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not merely a sci-fi concept anymore; it’s a present reality transforming various sectors, including education. As the superintendents of school districts, it’s essential to understand the impacts and opportunities AI presents to optimize and enhance the way you deliver education in schools. Changing the teaching and learning landscape. The New York […]

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Blog, Tips

Telling Your School’s Story With Strong Testimonials

  Telling the story of your school district is essential to garnering new students and families. Strong testimonials from current students, alumni, and faculty members is a great way to control the narrative, highlighting the unique aspects that make an education at your district special. 88% of people trust testimonials and reviews as much as […]

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