Tag: school public relations

Education, NS News, Tips

It Takes a Village: Tackling Rising Childhood Obesity

Nutrition serves as the building blocks of a solid foundation, making the issue of childhood obesity, highlighted during the month of September, increasingly important to educators. Impacting one in six youth according to the National Children’s Health Survey, obesity disproportionately affects minorities as well as low-income students.   Remaining innovative in solutions by collaborating with community […]

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Education, NS News

Beating them to the Chase in a Crisis

When found in the center of controversial claims, sometimes, beating your accusers to the punch can mitigate the consequences. Known as the “stealing thunder” technique, this crisis communication strategy involves revealing the negative facts/information about yourself or a situation before it is mentioned by the opponent or other individuals.  According to Science Direct, “Stealing thunder […]

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Education, NS News, Tips

The Essential 10: Photos Every District Needs

Photos are your school district website’s best friend because, done well, they brighten up any page and allow you to bring your district’s story to life. In an era dominated by photo and video-driven social media, photos can be the difference between winning or losing the 7-Second Rule – the amount of time to capture […]

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Education, NS News, Tips

TikTok it to the Top: A Tale of One Superintendent’s Social Media Success

Georgeanne Warnock jumped on TikTok as a way to troll her four school-age sons, which grew into an opportunity to influence her educational peers on TikTok. Georgeanne, superintendent of Terrell Independent School District, joined TikTok as an entertaining way to keep up with her teenagers, a demographic that spends an average of 75 minutes per […]

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Back to School Blues? Beat It … With a Plan!

From filling in at the last minute as a substitute teacher, to navigating ever changing Covid regulations, superintendents are approaching the 2022 school year balancing more roles than ever. The tool needed in every school district leader’s back pocket to avoid constant crisis communication management and beat any back to school blues? Proactive communications strategies […]

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Education, Tips

In a Crisis? Image Restoration Theory to the Rescue

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” -Warren Buffet  When a crisis hits your district, tapping into the Image Restoration Theory can be key to salvaging the crisis and the career you have worked earnestly to build. Introduced by […]

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Education, Tips

NSPRA 2022: Innovations and Insight in the Windy City

What does the crossroad of innovation and transformation look like for school superintendents as communicators? The Nichols Strategies team joined newbies and vets alike in the Windy City to find out and to offer our own take from the National School Public Relations Association’s annual seminar. NSPRA provided an abundance of tips and tricks to […]

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NS News

Nichols Strategies Expands Team

SACRAMENTO — Nichols Strategies hired nationally recognized communicator and school public relations expert Lesley Bruinton as its Executive Vice President. Bruinton, who has more than 20 years of strategic and crisis communication and superintendent counsel, will help guide Nichols Strategies to expand to new markets. She brings deep knowledge in communications planning, leadership, social media, […]

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